Winter Sunrise in the Methow Valley by Paul Butler (Methow Valley News) |
In the nearly two years that we’ve been producing the Madison Park Blogger, we’ve never taken a vacation from the blog—until last week, that is. Though we considered making an announcement of our planned hiatus, we thought better of the idea when we reflected on the fact that a blog is very much like Facebook or any other social networking site. In other words, it’s probably not a good idea to post information that “telegraphs” to the world your house will be sitting empty for a few days, as ours was. So we left without comment.
But now we’re back and ready to blog again.
Thanks to the many readers who checked the site religiously last week to see if there were new postings. Take note of the fact that this is not necessary. You can receive new blog postings automatically by subscribing to the Madison Park Blogger. You may choose to get our content in a Reader or as an email. Check the column on the right side of this blog for the subscription links.
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