By Bryan Tagas
Today marks the third anniversary of Madison Park Blogger. What began as something of a lark has morphed over time into a cross between a labor of love and a duty. My goal has been to provide Madison Park with a timely source of news and (very occasionally) commentary, about the things that impact this .9 square miles of lakeside turf that we are lucky enough to inhabit. I remain dedicated to that mission.
Sometimes people tell me that they would like to hear more of my "voice" in the stories I present. While standing on a street corner one day last summer, I was admonished by someone who told me, "It's your blog. You can write anything you want. There's no standard for bloggers!" That may be true, but there is a standard for this blog. I try to adhere to a few journalistic rules which I laid down early in the life of the blog. Since I had very few readers at the time, most will not recall that posting. But what I said then still applies:
Journalists are supposed to live up to certain standards of journalism, and I think a similar code of 'professional' conduct is required of bloggers. Here are the elements of my own personal blogging code:
- Be fair and accurate
- Separate reporting from editorializing
- Give attribution and provide hyperlinks to sources
- Avoid conflicts of interest
- Correct and note errors
And that's a perfect segue to my final point, having to do with time. As some of you have noticed, I have not been posting as often in the past few months as I did when Madison Park Blogger was still an "early stage" endeavor. This is not because of diminishing interest, enthusiasm, or will on my part. Rather it's the consequence a time commitment to the new managerial assignment I recently undertook at my day job (that's the one that pays the bills). Perhaps someday I will again achieve the four-postings-a-week level that was once the standard here. But in the meantime, I simply recommit to keeping Madison Park posted.
Thanks for your support!
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