Eagle parents may be empty nesters
Ever since the return of the eagles to their tree on the Broadmoor golf course earlier this year, we have been following their progress on the blog of Montlake photographer and bird watcher Larry Hubbell. For those readers who haven't been keeping up, we can tell you that both of the eaglets became fledged over the summer and one of them, at least, has apparently flown away. As of the end of August, the remaining fledgling (that's her in these photos) was still hanging around--and apparently demonstrating her ability to acquire nesting materials.
Hubbell has some more photos and some interesting commentary on his blog, Union Bay Watch, about this fledgling's first flight, as well as coverage of the other fledgling's earlier efforts at learning to fly (which can be read here).
[Photos by Larry Hubbell, used by permission.]
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