Crime takes a holiday
For the first time in the almost four years that we've been covering neighborhood crime, we can report a month in which there were apparently no house break-ins and zero car thefts. Madison Park was virtually free of significant criminal activity during January. That assumes that the Seattle Police map, above, accurately reflects the crimes reported for the period. Let's enjoy our sense of relative security while we can.
The map does not reflect that alleged hit-and-run crime that happened in January. The story of the young Broadmoor resident who claimed to have been the victim and later was arrested as the probable perpetrator, did not rise to the level of being icon worthy, in the opinion of the SPD. Nevertheless, it was a story that attracted a lot of notice. It was one of the most-read stories in the history of the blog (read by almost 1200 people) and was later 'reprinted' in the Madison Park Times.
The remaining criminal activity during the month seems pretty mundane in comparison (unless, of course, you were the victim). There were two cases of credit-card fraud reported by Madison Park residents (represented by the dollar-sign icons on the map), and there were four reported incidents of car break-ins (there is never a month without several). These car prowls occurred on January 17 on the 3100 block of E. Madison St., on January 21 on the 2000 block of McGilvra Boulevard E., on January 22 on the 4000 block of E. Madison St., and on January 25 back again on the 3100 block of E. Madison St.
There was also one case of theft reported (that on the 1000 block of 32nd Avenue E.) and two cases of property damage (the spray-paint-can icons). That blue icon marks the spot where there was a case of illegal dumping at someone's residence on the 2000 block of 43rd Avenue E.
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