Multiple projects completed (finally)
The seemingly never-ending Madison Valley Stormwater Project ended with a whimper last month as the finishing touches were completed on the Project's final phase, landscaping of the water tank in Washington Park. The area is now open to the public through a new pedestrian pathway which snakes its way from the sidewalk at E. Madison Street down into the Park:
We're told that the fencing around the newly-landcaped hillside is temporary. Also now completed and ready for use is the new playfield next to the water tank area:
Meanwhile, the CIty has also completed work along Lake Washington Boulevard though the Arboretum. Two separate projects had been underway there, one involving "traffic mitigation" and the other improving the lighting along the Bouvelard.
Anyone who's driven through the Arboretum at night has certainly noticed the improved visibility resulting from the lighting project. As to the "traffic mitigation" efforts of SDOT, well they're literally hard to miss:
[Lighting and mitigation photos courtesy of the Seattle Department of Transportation, via Flickr.]
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